Authorization for use or disclosure of Protected Health Information
Client Information
Client Last Name_______________________ First Name _________________MI ___ DOB:___/___/____
Client Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Client Home Phone: ___________________________
Cell/Work Phone: _____________________
Client Email Address: ____________________________________
Recipient Information
I, _________________________, do hereby authorize __________________________ to release a copy of my mental health information to the person or facility below.
Name of person/facility to receive medical information: _______________________________ Phone: ________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Date of Authorization: ___/___/______
Authorization to expire on ___/___/______ or upon the happening of the following event: _____________________________________________________________
Information to be Released (Note: Requests for release of psychotherapy notes cannot be combined with any other type of request.)
___ My entire mental health record
___Only those portions pertaining to: ______________________________________________________ (Specific provider name and/or dates of treatment)
___ Authorization for Psychotherapy Notes ONLY (Important: If this authorization is for Psychotherapy Notes, you must not use it as an authorization for any other type of protected health information.)
Other: __________________________________________________________________________________
Purpose of Information Release:
___ Further mental health care
___ Payment of insurance claim
___ Legal investigation
___ Applying for insurance
___ Vocational rehab, evaluation
___ Disability determination
___ At the request of the individual
___ Other (specify): ____________________________________
Authorization and Signature
I authorize the release of my confidential protected health information, as described in my directions above. I understand that this authorization is voluntary, that the information to be disclosed is protected by law, and the use/disclosure is to be made to conform to my directions. The information that is used and/or disclosed pursuant to this authorization may be re-disclosed by the recipient unless the recipient is covered by state laws that limit the use and/or disclosure of my confidential protected health information.
_________________________________________ ___________________
Signature Date
If signed by a personal representative:
(a) Print your name: _______________________________________________
(b) Indicate your relationship to the client and/or reason and legal authority for signing:
Patient is:
___ minor
___ incompetent
___ disabled
___ deceased
Legal authority:
___ parent
___ legal guardian
___ representative of deceased